Recyling Solution
Through our experience in the Textile sector and the latest technology,
we are able to separate the layers of WASTEA.
We use the lower fabric base to generate new fabrics.
The upper layer will be shredded into fine particles and mixed up with
cement and other natural elements.
The new material is called WASMENT. It is an advanced cement
alternative with extensive features, such as Isolation (warm and could),
durability and hardness.
Our Aim is to build Schools with WASMENT in the near Future.

Wastea is to 40% - 95% bio-based. Currently the highest amount of bio content.
Using sustainable innovatıon to replace basic polyurethane.
Commercial pricing.
Supporting all 17 development goals.
Recycling the material / goods giving a new lifecycle.
DECREASING C(eq) Emissions from 43,3kg (Cow Leather) to 0,97kg CO2-e with WASTEA (difference up to 95% Emission).
Using green energy for production and carbon neutral logistic.
Give back to nature, for every sold meter a tree will be planted.
Pricing will be economical. We belive it is important to create a commercial material in order to be extensive sustainable.